Rabbits Gone Wild on Campus
Terence Mckenna: Eros & The Eschaton
Using Victory gardens to fight government terrorism and industrial piracy
Cutting Through the Matrix - Alan Watt
Laser Treatment could make incandescent bulbs as efficient as fluorescent
Weather underground
Dead Society
Project Camelot interviews Jessica
Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment
Alan Watt Interview - Out There TV - cuttingthroughthematrix
Moving floor
Liz Coleman's call to reinvent liberal arts education
Commissioner Andris PIEBALGS: Two to tango
Human trade
LSD - Politically Incorrect
The West vs. Collectivism
A happy ending?
Narcissistic Personality
Obama: $77 billion a year from Marijuana Won't Help Economy
Ron Paul was killed!
World Economic Forum Africa 2009
American Idol Loser Song
5/20/09 The Zeitgeist Movement Bi-Weekly Report
Gentleman- Leave us alone
EU tests brain scanning to catch terrorists
Brussels: Fire Damages EU Commission Berlaymont HQ
Bill Hicks - UFOs
The laugh sample
Sir Ken Robinson
Psychedelics In The Age Of Intelligent Machines, Shamans Among the Machines
Court Orders Parents to Poison Their 13-Year-Old with Chemotherapy
Rafat Bayat
Howard Johnson linear motor
Behind Greening the Desert
Slow Glass (Scenedow)
The Trap What Happened to Our Dreams of Freedom
Mylow Magnet Motor V2.0 -- Runs with Six Magnets
Space-Based Domestic Spying
High-frequency Active Aural Research Program
Satellite surveillance
The Israel Lobby
Neked short selling
WW2 Codebreaker Harry Beckhough
Don Aldo Danieli
The Next Generation of Neural Networks
Car computer that makes speeding history!
Conrad N. Hilton
Shameless nationalism
Germany to ban paintball in wake of high school shooting
Jasker Power System
Secret Space "Alien Invasion"
The War Of The Worlds - Part One - The Coming Of The Martians
How representative will the European elections be
geisterbahn: Real-Time Phenomena of Unconventional Mind-Connectivity and Noosphere
The Battle For Your Mind
Funny Cars
The Technocracy Zeitgeist
Science Breakthrough Extracts Fuel from Water
Alien Astronomer
Dark Side - Mind Control
God is NOT an Asshole
In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood and Bioterrorism
YouTube - G.I. Joe - International Heroes
Recumbent Bicycle build it yourself page, Hanno Smits
Profile of a Sociopath
The day that TV died
Howard johnson magnetic motor replica
Corporate Europe Observatory
The Venus Transit Biohazard.02 - Guth Usenet (public but censored)
Robotic construction crew rolls up its sleeves
Who benefits from the EU's Common Agricultural Policy
Real Aryans
Tanaga Island
1950 Atomic Bomb propaganda
77 velomobiles [recumbent bicycles]
Test politicians using Neuroscience
A sad day for Atheism
NSi Inventor of the Year: Stuart Wenham
Aldous Huxley
Top Ten Impossible Inventions That Work
The Promise of Biochar
Brain scan replaces job interviews
BioPower - Biologically Inspired Ocean Power Systems
How Israel Helps the Islamic Republic of Iran
Farage exposes EU arrogance
PBS Free to Choose 1990 Vol. 2 of 5 - The Tyranny of Control
Is our Baltic sea for peace or for war stupidity?
Military Mind Control and Alien Abductions
Nineteen Eighty-Four (1954 version)
The Dr. Rath Health Foundation - Responsibility for a healthy world
Nineteen eighty-four 1984
Cheap Drinking Water from the Ocean
Large scale Solar Desalination using Multi Effect Humidification
Rudolf Pekar - Electro-Cancer Therapy
Let's Visit the World of the Future
"Normality" Is Mass Hysteria
Remote viewing Tibetan monks see Extra Terrestrial 2012 savior
Czech Republic - Prison for journalists
Walter Russell - Cosmic Illumination as told by Michael Hudak
Capitalism Hits the Fan A Marxian View
Teachings of Jmmanuel
Changing World Technologies, Inc.
Геннадия Федоровича Игнатьева
Nazi Ties to the European Union - Harry Beckhough
Portable Farms
Invention harnesses hydrogen energy
Schools are brainwashing children
Alvin M. Marks - Advanced Research Development Incorporated (ARDI)
EUX.TV - the Europe channel
Romanian Inventors
Modern Human History
Poorman's Garden! Grow TONS of food FAST! from seeds
SpeEdChange: Insufficiently Transformative
Europe's trade with developing countries
Greek / Hellenic Language
A map of the universe
Researchers replaced by AI Robot
Ken Robinson - schools kill creativity
LeWeb'08: Christine Lagarde
More Evidence for a Revolutionary Theory of Water
Ancient conspiracy and the secret sun of Jupiter! Conspira��o antiga e o sol secreto de Jupiter!
After the Warming (James Burke 1989)
Chinese auto maker Dongfeng to develop dedicated hydrous ethanol engines
biogas can replace all EU natural gas imports
Green gas could help heat homes
Presidential Directive opens door for release of antigravity technology
Trash Powered Honda - DIY
Dancing to the tune of an unknown drummer
sound of alarm bells
Anti Codex Song- "Don't Want Your Codex Alimentarius"
Homade Ethanol Still Cheap Fuel
Computer reads pictures from brain
Rockefeller, Ford and the Secret History of Alcohol
FDA criminality
Volkswagen introduces world's most economical car
Skip Atwater meets Bob Monroe
The 36 Stratagems of Sun Tzu
Friends of Health
Overpopulation Dictum? Better Change the Carrying Capacity of Earth!
The Venus Project
How the CIA rules the world
Physicist develops battery using new source of energy
Asteroid Mining: Key to the Space Economy
Rock The Truth: How Israel Got the Nuclear Bomb
Marijuana Should Be Legalized & Regulated - Congresswoman Sanchez
Survivalist Seeds
What happend to the Great American Empire?
Agricultural robots - the final fronteer
Project Orion
Terror state Israel - George Galloway
China's growing jobs crisis
Decky's Life Plan
Society, Civilization - Humanity: Suggestions 4 Reconnecting
The Great Opium Wars
Dont foreclosure "Stay put"
Hempire Building Materials Ltd
Stanley Meyer VIC resonant electrolysis mod
MIT Clean Tech/GABA Lecture
Daryl Oster - Evacuated Tube Transport (ETT)
ULTra PRT sustainable transit
YouTube - Man & Computer - IBM 1965
William Bunker
The Official Web Site for Technocracy Inc.
Ron Paul's opening statement 2009.02.25
Elite Underground Bases - D.U.M.B.'s
Remington Ventures Inc.
Reich of The Black Sun - Nazi Secret Weapons and The Cold War Allied
Low Energy Nuclear Reactions - LENRs: nuclear energy
V�clav Klaus - President of the Czech Republic
Floating Dutchmen tackle global warming
Surreal Archive
Candle Cannon
Electromagnetically driven rotary motor
Classified Technology, Dylan Touhey and Graham Stevenson
John Deere's new 7030E tractors
Sonic Dynamics
People are designed to eat fruit alone
Rove Not Protected by Executive Privilege
How Television Works
The Garden of Eatin
Coal Plants are Factories of Death
SOS: Students for an Orwellian Society
The Orion Project - A Letter from Dr. Steven Greer
Thomas Townsend Brown
Fuel for Cars, Energy for Homes, By NGEN
Saving my Europe
ELIICA - Hiroshi Shimizu - Keio University Tokyo
The economy is a plastic doll
Reading Your Mind
back to the trees!
Preparing for the robot takeover 101
Four great Empires were brought down by ill fated invasions of Iraq
Solar Millennium AG
Obama administration first 100 days to promote antigravity technology
Briefing Obama on UFOs and Extraterrestrial Life
Ben Rich: "We have space travel"
Oil Independence Thermoelectrics Zero Energy Home
India showcases low-cost laptop to bridge digital divide
History of Autogiros
Armenian history
Illegal Drugs - Funny FKN Planet
2012 - The Future of Mankind
Europe's Cannabalism
H. Perrigo: Aether Energy Electrical Generator
Home_Introduction_Site Map - WATER as FUEL - review of available technologies. MDG 2006-2007
Water Explosion
The Weston A. Price Foundation Library
HairyChestnuts plays it safe.
Dr Steven Greer Practical Applications Unbounded Mind
Antigravity news and space drive technology by James Cox
Free Energy and Free Thinking
Mobile phone radiation
The Crash Course Economy
Nology Silver Spark Plugs
The Anti-Gravity Handbook
solar-powered submarine
Itzhak Bentov - From Atom to Cosmos
Lawrence Hargrave
New Energy Movement Canada 2008
Documentary "Why we fight?"
Obama administration to promote antigravity technology
The Genius Of The Crowd - Charles Bukowski
Obama to Disclose X-Files
The Complete Patents of Nikola Tesla
Vacuum from pressure
Staticfield technology
bendicemi proyecto de repelencia magnetica
ArthurGanson's moving sculptures
Episode12 - Incantation
Govlobby Killing the Plug-In Hybrid
TheStrangest Secret in the world - Earl Nightingale
CaliforniaInstitute of Earth Art and Architecture Eco-Dome
Smashthe windows
DIYArduino RGB LED Lamp
KevinKelly on how technology evolves
AlchemicalManual for this Millennium
JohnsonElectro Mechanical Systems
Giantsand Cannibalism
Bushand Obama say Torture is necessary to move forward
Drinkingbird power
KonstantinMeyl shows tesla longitudinal electricity transmission
CheapHomemade Solar Panel Instructions
Noheros for Israel
JKPlasma Magnetics Experiment
Thedifficulty of looking far ahead
HollowPlanets: Jan Lamprecht
AvianFlu, Microchipped Population, Classified Weapons, Chemtrails, viruses
Explainationof Stanley Meyer's Water spark plug
UnitedStates Oil from Coal [USOAL]
TheAnswer is Blowing in the Wind
BarryCarter - Beyond the Ordinary Dot Net
ThePlayPump System - The Water Problem
Israelfunded Hamas for twenty years
SimonNewcomb - Sience and America
U.S.Economy : The Philosopher's Stone
TheBrain of a Liar
XCon2004 - Stanton Friedman - UFO Cover-Up - Debunking the Debunkers
Hiddenworld history
EducationSystem - The Eradication of Life
MagneticCurrent Henry Fords Secret
pentaclum- standing wave
Muntazaral-Zaidi subjected to repeated beatings in jail
TheBattle For Your Mind
UnitedNations Division for Sustainable Development - Agenda 21
Flywheelhome energy storage - Gaby de Wilde
Jointhe Discussion: Change.gov: The Obama-Biden Transition Team
TheLaws of Physics Will Not Yield to those of Commerce
Flywheelhome energy storage
HowI built an electricity producing wind turbine
Theend of phisics
FreeGlobal Energy - Murdered by Opec
MoonStructure emits plume on NASA footage
NASAUFO Footage from Above Earth UNSEEN
UFO,Never Doubt Again
TheHarvard Yard
ScienceMade Stupid
Literacyin Science
Genepax- Water Energy System (Water Battery Car) vol.o1
Takethe Red Pill for TRUTH!
Ifinally found the meaning of life
Thirteento Centaurus
TheRoyal Rife Story and Royal Rife - In His Own Words
VaccineRefridgeration with No-Electricity Fridges
Weare the last humans on Earth
RestructuringThe American Media
Nysticblender tutorials
Out-of-bodyexperience means I'm simply not feeling myself
IntelHopes to Bring Free Energy to Mobile Devices
TheDogon and the Nommo from Po Tolo
BannedTour Technology
AndrijaK. Punarich
Science and Health - Radionics - PSI COUNSEL
Fusion and water fueled cars
BMW H2R - Brightcove
EPOCH Oxy-Hydrogen
Most Planets May Be Seeded With Life
we want our cold fusion and we want it now!
YouTube - DAF Variomatic at work
Learn about the various types of vaporizer systems
Dr. David Berlinski
Operation Paradise - Five Amazing Health Breakthroughs, Five Outrageous Persecutions
Lester Hendershot
Zero-amp technology
Obama - Redistribution of Wealth
The PEAR Proposition
collapse of complex societies
Lynnferd Keeran
The financial crisis and the end of the US dollar
Self-Cooled Stirling Engine Motherboards
weil nicht sein kann,was nicht sein darf
Fusion-IO NAND clustering technology
Devour The Earth
CERN - A warning from History
Developing Intuition with Silva
Ecology Complexity and Metaphor
Scuderi Air Hybrid Engine
Nu Energy Research Institute
India's Child Genius
Obama Roasts Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel
What is OPEC's attitude towards fuel-efficient cars?
Bail out big 3 Automakers
Underground Reptilian City discovered in Egypt
Thomas G. Hieronymous
Seizing pensions, the final step to bankruptcy
Bobby Fischer tells the truth and nothing but the truth
Portable Nuclear 'Hot Tubs' Could Power America
Putin explains US warmongering in Georgia
Putin message for west and USA
U.S. Army prepares to invade U.S.
Base income - a knol by gaby de wilde
YouTube - major rudy on torture and media lies
What money really represents.
over population
McCain: We Won't Get Fooled Again
YouTube - Cyber Warriors 1997 (1of6)
CBS Poll: Obama Maintains 33 Point Lead
The $3 Trillion Shopping Spree
Air Force aims to 'rewrite laws of cyberspace'
Shootin teh sherf
YouTube - Mower of Doom
War over Taiwan
Born Rich - the movie
Chapter 4: How to Build a Flying Saucer
The War Against Cold Fusion
EV GRAY Motor and Cold Energy lost Video
Toxic waste
Siemens and E.ON to build 275 000 000 Euro offshore wind farm
Dan Bettin
Ron Paul Revolution UNCENSORED MTV Music Video
P-6M seamaster Jet Seaplane
intravernous Liquid oxygen
Climate change is occurring faster than predicted
Dr. Paul Czysz
lack of oxygen: 40,000 fish killed in Rhode River
YouTube - Air Accident: Deadly Hypoxia "Helios 522" 2/2
Oxygen: 1940:38% - 2008:6% - death:5%
Michael Moore has a List of "Suggestions" for A President Obama
Hollow earth wild life
Viktor S. Grebennikov
torsion fields, spin-waves in the vacuum
learns chinese language
Google project 10 entry - Panacea-BOCAF
Energy Crisis? Lets Stop Ignoring the Obvious
John Worrell Keely
British UFO Files
Weather Modification - Energy Weapons - Bearden 1985
Govermental legal actions taken against Free Energy
Puharich Strikes Again!
Real Tesla Secrets Revealed
James Bede
Andrija Puharich Lecture
Pistol Shrimp
John Brown
Charles Nelson Pogue
Gary Vesperman
YouTube - Jack Nicholson's Solar hydrogen car
Self powering resonant circuit [for water fuel cell]
Safe Space
Device for conversion of centrifugal force to linear force and motion
Henry Bull's Impulse Engine of 1935
Vietnam War crimes
American soldier exposes US policy in Iraq
US War Crimes In Afghanistan
Dr Nikola Tesla - Katherine R McCall
Podkletnov Rotating Superconductors
Recording electronic voice phenomena
The dangers of CNN
telluric vortexi
Climate crisis refutes purpose of Large Hadron Collider
Stone Aerospace
Journey Towards The Center Of The Earth by Bill Stone
Gwyntrix on da Hill
Google Blog Search
Zeitgeist: Addendum
The Dangers of CNN
Vapor Carburetors
Blank Slate Technology
Langmuir debunks UFO's for SIGN
Human Experimentation for National Security Purposes
Red Ice Creations
Pesticides and Human Experimentation
Germany warns citizens to avoid using Wi-Fi - Green Living, Environment - The Independent
Water Succeeds Gasoline As New Invention Is Perfected dec. 1935
govermental circus monkeys
Dr. Buttar - mercury shots
Giant space dock on neptune
WMD's found!
Left Coast Electric - Electric Car Conversion
Fake Chinese Car Brands
Genesys hydrogen
Changing World Technologies, Inc.
UFO sightings connected to Large Hadron Collider experiment? - Louth Leader
The large Hadron Collider
Tony Cuthbert
Frog in the first moon landing
The classic high-tech takeover schemes
The Secret Life of Plants
make your own flu vaccine
The Disclosure Project - Werner Von Brown
The Prime Minister on The National Education Service
anti-gravity technology
WinDirStat - Windows Directory Statistics
Blasts "Secret Government"
mind controll
Rosie O'Donnell 9/11 Conspiracy Comments: Popular Mechanics Responds
Google considers moving to boats
YouTube - The Secrets of Einstein's Brain
Global Nuclear Cover Up
Obama talks politics (for a change)
Wubi - Ubuntu Installer for Windows
The lie
Sonic Dynamics
Lack of Effective Government
Getting Straight (film 1970)
Google Chrome
The Terror (film 1963)
The cheat of the brain
YouTube - Restauration fc3s / RX 7 Turbo II / S4
Pot Power- Turning Hemp into electricity
World Terrorist Number 1
YouTube - Haarp
Ron Paul Comments on the 2008 Election CNN Aug. 28 2008
Technology and the works of UFOS spaceships since 1888
Current Buns
Bush orders feds to collect biometric data on terrorists
The Code Linux
Hindus opposing EU swastika ban
YouTube - Cop Shot Man in Head 9 Times
GI Resistance - The War Comes Home
"Bomb Iran" song text by John McCain
HHO-8 a gallon a minute Stan Meyer tubes in 12v array.
The Society for the Advancement of Autodynamics
Rumsfeld 's Accidental Slip of the Tongue
The Rockefeller crime syndicate
Kucinich 35 Articles Of Impeachment uhhh somthing
??????? ??????? ?????? ????????????
Spin Connection Resonance
and so the war begins....
YouTube - Anonymous on FOX11
Imhotep's Laboratory
Panacea University
The Middle East, & The Impending Oil Crisis
Ralph Nader
The Orion Project - Research
Introducing The Orion Project
Thushara Priyamal Edirisinghe
Partisan Hackery
Jon Stewart at the Emmys
Jon Stewart owns CNN
Uberman clowns Billo Rally
The Truth According To Wikipedia
YouTube - MUST SEE : 2012 Pole Shift Lost knowledge
Andy Karsner - Cleantech Forum
Secrets of Y: Water-Powered Car
Thushara Priyamal Edirisinghe
Marijuana might cause new cell growth in the brain - 13 October 2005 - New Scientist
H�kon Wium Lie
H?kon Wium Lie
The Colbert Report
build your own shopping EV on the cheap
OS:Bob Boyce Electrolyzer Plans - PESWiki
Hydrogen andrija puharich water fuel cell pantone meyer
Sleeping towards the north
Wireless energy transfer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A Politically Correct Fairy Tale
YouTube - The UFO Engine
Sunshine is Nature's Disease Fighter
Richard Dawkins links 9/11 Truthers with kooks
Congressman Announces Bombing of Iran & Suspended Election
Take Action - Get Nader on the 2008 Presidential Ballot
Tareq Abu-Hamed
The new 'White Al-Qaeda' propaganda
Vacuum electrolysis
Ted Gunderson
Thank You Lt. Watada
McCain's YouTube Problem Just Became a Nightmare
White Mans Politicial Adoption Scams Throughout The World
Keeping America Safe from Child "Terrorists" and Journalists
Congress arrested over Sudan protest
Chevron's Amazon Abu Ghraib
Presidential candidate Bob Barr
mc doctor Cain with the Energy Rap
The double U featuring the petro-depressed mode
Changing The Vibes - Negril JA -Maurice"Red" Lynch
Water-fuel car unveiled in Japan
Sublimation of thungsten with Brownsgas
Carl Cella
Survivalist vs. Anheuser-Busch Ultimate FACE-OFF!!!
What the hell happened?
Kucinich pwns the double U
Gasoline Vaporizer
Russian Chess Master Garry Kasparov Detained with Other Protesters
Mastering Hollywood warfair
The DL: Bush - Human Being and Fish
Talking With The Planets
Garrett carburator
Brazilian Invents Luminescent Water-Bottle Lightbulbs
America's Family Prison
Professor Ph. M. Kanarev's Hydrogen Generator
HHO and Water Injection
HHO Gas: enabling a car to run on water
Larry Thrasher
HHT - Hydrogen Hybrid Technologies
Amazing SOLAR and WIND Powered VAN
Wolfhart Willimczik - advanced oil-free compressor
John B Gordan
The heavier than air flying machine scam
dog eats dog
severn cullis suzuki
Terry Kenney - Electricity From Hydraulic Road Plates
The CFR controls American media
Burning salt water at 13.56 MHz
Luedtke Enterprises Inc. - 500 mile ev
Running an Automobile on Water
Cold Fusion Plasma 9
376.59 mpg oldtimer
Mendocino Motor
HEMP powered GEET engines
Tesla Coils: Tesla Pancake Coils - 1kWatt & 100 Watt Units
Evolution of a Bedini Motor (Schoolgirl/SSG Motor)
You're the guy with all the answers RIGHT?
WEB 3.0........ Our Web, The Peoples Web
John Perkins
Truth Films h4rk4t Recommend
BBC News | AMERICAS | Pentagon plans propaganda war
Wlazlak MagGrav Demonstration
Perpetual motion made simple
hydraulic ram pump
George H. Gibson
Stanley J. Hitchcock
Babylonian mathematics
some history on motive mechanical means
SVP - John Worrell Keely's Sacred Science
Compelling Questions About The Grand Unified Theory
Hemp oil and ethyl alcohol - Free energy suppression - Wikipedia
Hemp For Victory
Grey water heat recovery
SANTA'S WORKSHOP - Inside China's SLAVE labor toy factories
Fly for Five Years, Without Landing
Giant Robotic Blimp
Noam Chomsky Lecture - Distorted Morality
Cartoons are evil
26 In depth Clinical Study of 50 cases Validate Tesla Data
Bicycle airbag
Tesla's wireless globoresonant electrics
Futuristic toy car runs on tap water - Times Online
1980 Biological data storage
MIT Media Lab 1980
PMG Perpetuum - the global leader in vibration energy harvesting
Perpetual motion rotating globe
Mark Twain's 'Is Shakespeare Dead?' -- with Keir Cutler
The sailcar orbital generator
Metronome Synchronization
Mixing petrol with hydrogen AND WATTER
IIT Delhi electric bus
Veljko Milković - Hand water pump with pendulum
TheStar.com | Business | Turning physics on its ear
Testing large Milkovic 2 stage oscillator
Ibn al-Haytham - motion
electrostatic machine - Atlas Shrugged - John Galt
Micro_SG - fastest, lowest power SG on the planet.
Improved wind turbine concept
Electric Rocket Engine
vertical wind turbines
The Story of Stuff with Annie Leonard
Wind Power Windpower Energy Turbine Low Wind free Power
Peak Oil and Geopolitics
YouTube - Quitgas! Clean, Quiet, Fun, Electric Motorcycle
Randy's Workshop Windmill Page
ScrollerWheel Report
Invalid Item
Wind power Vehicle
Kinetic-Magnetic Energy Transfer System
free-e-marketing business tiper
Lindsey Williams, The Energy Non-Crisis
The Testatica
Evidence that Big Oil & GM Killed The Electric Car
Mitt Romney
human-animal embryos
Cell Phone radiation
Bionic Contact Lens
solar energy - David Faiman
Hybrid Solar Lighting
Solar convectionTower
Ball Magnet Reverses Rotation
Francois Fauvre
c,mm,n - open source car
Tata Nano
DPX Systems Drill Powered Toolbox- The Pit Pass
Exoskeletons for human power augmentation
Human-Electric Hybrid
Boca Bearings - Miniature Bearings for Hobby&Industry
fuel cell - R.C. car with wireless camera powered by H2
The EBM Midget Power Plant
gaby de wilde - perpetual car
Les lampes radio
SYSTEM OF PROPULSION US Patent No. 1095967 Nov 7, 1910
Child Labor
platek wind turbine
PeugeoT Future caR contesT
John Searl in Glastonbury
Hacking the human delusion
Testing for Cycle Vision crash
SUNN Solar Electric Kit Car Vehicle
Fabrication d'une h�lice
Alien Technologies
The history of Chinese innovation
Mitsubishi MiEV Electric Car In-Wheel Motor Concept
Siemens VDO eCorner Project:
Kumho Epoch Concept
Wind Turbine - Rooftop
Disk Wind Turbine
Solar Chariot the Hippy Gourmet interviews Bob Schneeveis
Toshiba Builds 100x Smaller Micro Nuclear Reactor
Solar gondola
Mega KMX
Bird Flu Strikes United States
Small wheels versus large wheels
Hydro Dynamic cavitation
130 km/hr bicycle - 2002
Charles Francis Brush 12 kW windmill 1884
Wind powered fuel saving device
YouTube - Vortex Wind Generator
mind over masses
JAMES THOMPSON - Washing machine
Propeller Trike
60 m/hr on a bycicle
NobleFuse Corporation For Nuclear Fusion
A Twenty Five Cent Bicycle
Clem Conical Pump - KeelyNet 03/01/03
Haiku: The Operating System
cyclone power
Straw Poll Cancelled - too many Ron Paul Supporters
THE MAGLEV: The Super-powered Magnetic Wind Turbine
Tom Ogle: 100+ MPG Oglemobile
asteroid Eros is a giant bone
submarine communication ELF frequencies
Google committed to clean energy
Dr. Deagle
Customer Photos - Rideable Bicycle Replicas
Maxwell SCS750 Single Board Computer for Space
Chimps outperform humans at memory task
Bob Boyce Smack Booster Replications
Human powered Jumbo Jet
vortex ram - Negative Aerodynamic Drag
Mini Hydro Power - Joe Holden
Advanced Home Wine Making
flying sumbarine
Free Electricity...from Thin Air
Flower Fly
John Kanzius
never edit Wikipedia
Spider Goats
Ron Paul Wins Straw Poll
Money as Debt -- Geld als Schuld (deutsche Untertitel)
cold electricty
finding the dream
Walter Russell
Report: Google preps online storage service
perpetual motion - sci.physics | Google Groups
Forever Electric car ( by wind force generator)
The 5 cc cadilac
ismaelaviso - repelling force videos
YouTube - Magnetmotor - flux switching
Make a Joule thief.
Edgar Cayce
Rise of the machines
Rats Laugh When You Tickle Them
Secret Super Weapons
YouTube - New Wind Power - The Wind Belt Invention
Advanced Diamond Solutions Inc.
perpetual motion
Advanced Energy Research Organization
b.e.s.t. Corea brown gas cars research
Bush lacks the economic, political and military means to attack Iran
Quantum Computing And Living Systems - alt.sci.physics.new-theories | Google Groups
Ganid Productions, LLC Anti-Gravity Device - electromagnetic leviation
Decker's Anti-Gravity Correlations
define: Jingoism
Welcome to D-Wave Systems
View topic - YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
Modern Mechanix - Putting Nature's Power to Work
Dr. Ronald Stiffler cold electricity
pulsing a coil
CityNews: Ohio's Gas Station Ghost Drawing A Crowd
Believe me ... anti-Chavez Venezuelans are racist and classist ... and violent!
the Vietnam war crimes
David Butcher: Pedal Powered Prime Mover Do-It-Yourself DIY Plans
WindMill, Magnet Motor,Free Energy
the self-feeding body
The ELF God - Mind Control Technology and Harassment
Earth battery expermients
Bush Shoot-Out
What We Call the News
YouTube - Jazz Casual
Jim Murray
Wanky baby names
YouTube - Paul Pantone Introduction
Where in the World is all the Free Energy?
Pulsed Technologies - Beyond Rife
last hope for the US constitution - Pravda.Ru
Geissler Rotator
Doctor of Invention: Don't Have Any Great Ideas- Don't Brainstorm - "Edgecraft" Instead
owning the dumb?
AIPAC - American Israeli Public affairs Committee
Battery Hack The Planet
bush on the moon on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
UC Berkeley Webcasts | Video and Podcasts: Physics 10
YouTube - Pulse Motor (Smaller Scale) 066
Condoleezza Rice
vechicle seats and shapes
First Majestic Silver Corp
a colloidal silver patent
ACOUSTIC APPARATUS - CA Patent No. 2022002
Dr. Robert Bussard's Fusion Breakthrough
Energy Electromagnetic Generator
9/11 truth movement topic
I don't need no "stinking" tail rotor on my electric helis
A Vision of Students Today
YouTube - Build a Van De Graaff Generator
Ray Kurzweil - Our Bodies, Our Technologies
Oil is a HOAX!!
Vista Sucks - the infomercial!!
Monpole Mysteries
Recumbent Bicycle (Bike) Recumbent Cycles History from Bicycle Man
550 Watt Electric Moped
e-bike EVCO interview
YouTube - Fastest E-Bike on the planet
Free applications, utilities and software programs
Directory:Electrostatic Generator by Walter Owens and Company - PESWiki
fluorescent lamps are more efficient but at a high health risk cost
The Two Magnets Push-Pull Experiment
Cold electricity
Who Hijacked Islam??!
Calloway PPM Secrets
Nukes, soccer at North Pole - Opinion
flying car viral adverts
Levitation In Tibet
learn to teach to learn to teach to learn...
The Electricity Blog
Wavebob - ocean wave energy
Ali G integorates the FBI - ay
working Magnet Motor
Pulse Motor - Explosive Results
interesting patents
google-friends message #6
Ebuyer.com runs on a Commodore 64
Cornstarch Science
What can we do to keep discussions positive to ensure an open dialog? - Yahoo! Answers Team Blog
Republicans PWND by 12 Year Old Boy
dot asia domain names
If Americans Knew - what every American needs to know about Israel/Palestine
perpetual motion machine
Christianity, Nazism, and the Holocaust
pulsing a coil
windows motor with SSG
Pulse Motor schumann resonance
The Man Who Travelled Forwards In Time
firefox old and bugged already?
dump car and operating mecanism
Wilderness Electric Vehicles [http://www.e-volks.com]
The final secret of free energy
Human Powered Hydrofoil
George Constantinesco - 1913 [fluid.power.net][rexresearch.com]
The Battle for France 1940
steam engine
Belgium campaign: The fall of Fort Eben Emael (May 1940)
Rotterdam 14th of may 1940
Universal Shaper 1940
YouTube - Gray planer
Monarch Model A Lathe - Antique
Erics steam robin
Perpetual Motion Mechanics
The nonsense of Plate Tectonics
using chess on magnetomechanics
Re: Americanism: The Movie!
How to kill a million civilians - help support the genocide
Advice for Rudy Guiliani
The Commercial That Was Too Hot for the Super Bowl
Halo 3 "Believe" campaign
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Stony Skunk - Ragga Muffin MV
War in Iran: Extinction - the movie. The end of the trilogy
Soviet Union, Stalin's regime
Email to Mitch: Governor of the State of Indiana
Let Wallstreet tell us when to Bomb Iran
Ann Coulter: It's Good for Wall Street If We Bomb Iran
Animal abuse
Animal Abuse
The Century of the self - BBC
Otis T Carr Flying Saucer
Artificial Meat
YouTube - Day in the Life of a Hater
Abuse can be stopped
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Talk:September 11, 2001 attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Roswell Testimony - Lt. Jack Trowbridge
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Renewable Resource
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Scott F. Hall - Water Wheel
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Sony Develops A Bio Battery Powered By Sugar
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Sean Penn's letter to US President Bush
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Inventors claim truck runs on hydraulic power
Chas Campbell
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We ought to hold this truth to be self-evident
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There should be no unification of destruction and creation
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Simulating Minato Wheel - positioning magnets
Sun et al - Magnetic pulse Mototrs
Dieing is awfully boring, we should do something about it ASAP
definition: Eurotriot
Dick Cheney is a facist
Propaganda: World without Cancer Bullshit etc...
The Core
IRS Sends FBI to KILL Federal Tax Protestors
Magnetic Field of the Earth
Chimps beat us to that human touch
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Curing cancer with magnets
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Doug Stanhope - Don't Boo A Girl
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Paul Story on Steorn: The Great Stern Scam
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Depth of the Deepest Mine
End Game Of The Illuminati
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Facing the Flag by Jules Verne: Chapter 5
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Science Scam
Researchers Reprogram Normal Tissue Cells Into Embryonic Stem Cells
Appalling US- Alien Treaties in Exchange For UFO Technology
NASA and the William Cooper SF
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Homeland Security discloses antigravity technology
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Cows With Guns
Greg Palst - Election Fraud
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Politics In Healing: The suppression and manipulation of American Medicine
Faux News
Magnetically Levitated Ducted Fan Being Developed as a Propulsor Option for Electric Flight
Startech plasma technology
John Pilger's - Breaking The Silence
Court ruled that there is absolutely nothing illegal in a major media organisation lying,
Taking Photographs of the Past
Free Energy Research Archive
Simulating the Minato Wheel
SPR Ltd Emdrive space propulsion technology
Reporters Blow Whistle on FOX News
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New genetic data overturn long-held theory of limb development
Shark gives birth, but with no sign of a mate
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Psychoacoustics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Hugo Chavez on Tavis Smiley
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Kennedy Speech, April 27, 1961
Bussard and Fusion: A Practical Alternative
Steorn on free energy (debunking CoE )
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Heim theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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A Review Of Zero Point Energy And Free Energy Theory, Progress, And Devices
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Cheap source of energy: Cell splits water via sunlight to produce hydrogen
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The Development of the Electric Motor
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Incident in Lake County (McPhearson Tape) - Google Video
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Akin's Laws of Spacecraft Design
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Proposal of transformer using magnetic shielding with bulk high T/sub c/ superconductors
Radiant Energy, Unraveling Tesla's Greatest Secret
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PEAR - Publications
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Clinton Curtis "I hacked your election" Testimony - Ohio 2004
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Method and apparatus for three-dimensional mapping of evoked potentials
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QREEG Process matrix synchronizer system
Sensory-driven controller
Electroencephalograph incorporating at least one wireless link
Electroencephalograph based biofeedback system and method
Electroencephalographic apparatus for exploring responses to quantified stimuli
Apparatus and method of analyzing electrical brain activity
Method and apparatus to create and induce a self-created hypnosis
Silent subliminal presentation system
Brain wave correlation system and method of delivering a recorded program
Inducing mental, emotional and physical states in human beings
Method and system for generating sensory data onto the human neural cortex
Method and device for interpreting concepts and conceptual thought from brainwave data
Device and method for estimating a mental decision
Apparatus for inducing frequency reduction in brain wave
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Method for measuring physiological parameter
Method and device for producing a desired brain state
Brain programmer for increasing human information processing capacity
Automatical conversation
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Hilden-Brand Magnet Motor - EMWiki
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RE: It would be cool if MNG were supported.
web suckage
the profesional opinion of amatures
MY first bug report
what makes a good blog
RE: MSN Offering "Blog This" Button on News Stories
Opera blog
o dear - I really enjoy opera now do I?
The opera expirience......
maximum wages
Bush gags
Void pages
How to log in to yahoo the easy way
CustomizeGoogle: Googling Just Got Better -- Firefox Extension
How I would market and distribute windows
RE: No really...I am this way.
RE: Believe in marriage equality? Call Schwarzenegger and tell him to sign AB 849 *NOW*!!
Now this is a fatastic something
RE: The weight is over
RE: We aren't that different
Be Incorporated Files Suit Against Microsoft for Violations of Antitrust Laws
Tab Mix Plus :: View topic - Middle-click on Live Bookmark
Windows 98
problems with pc
Entry for September 19, 2005
ask.gifts.com smart answer on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Revealicious - revealing the way you use del.icio.us
Yahoo! Publisher Network
Entry for September 16, 2005
new post
3-C0M3RC3 R3L04DED
Claim blog with Technorati
Tagger: First Public Comment and use of AJAX Tagger
I'm Puffy McBlogsearch
Yahoo! News Tag Soup
Emerging Technology Trends | ZDNet.com
more on generating tags
Scan blog post and auto-tag em
Tab Mix Plus :: View topic - Tab Color Grouping
Tab Mix Plus :: View topic - drag selection of links
Tab Mix Plus :: View topic - open 100 links
audio-books for free
Bus Bombings
linking to your own blog...
GoogleNet - Google Search
A second chance
New blast message
Time for the US to become a democracy
My blogs
Firefox or Opera?
Opera or firefox?
the set in almost working order
Microsoft fanclub
micro xml icon to match the set
what is "add to XXX" icon
add to bloglines icon
Entry for September 04, 2005
add to my feedster icon
add to my newsgator icon
add to my msn icon
add to my yahoo icon
More and more feedback
How small are the odds to exist?
Gaby de Wilde
Enkhuizen De Westerstraat
George Bush
Yahoo news pictures
Open Source Awards
Google Talk is Developer Friendly
RE: the finger-keyboard synapse - A few slices of Kevin pie
The Ferengi Rules of Acquisition
yahoo marketing analisias
RE: Incomplete software is Alpha, not Beta, duh. C'mon Google.
my comment on the 360 Product Blog
Hijack This! Log Auto Analyzer v2.01
A visual presentation of your hardisk, show files by size
Google Desktop Download
Yahoo! Avatars - Export Your Avatar
a comment
hpphoto.com: join now
Are 3D Games Like Real Life?
A Prairie Girl
GoogSpy - Adwords Competitor Research by Velocityscape
I made a nice overview of my picture blogs
wow what a great blog, Is it really mine?
Web Page Analyzer
I'm a master of propaganda and gonzo journalism
Larvatus Prodeo - Truth is a Signs System
does anyone get to reading blogs?
Troll XP
Gaby's internetwebquicksearchalphabet
Google adores me
Writing an image
Most Visited Web Sites
the crossing on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Entry for August 10, 2005
all about site meters
Google Moon - Lunar Landing Sites
How to add tags to your postings
WebSpeedReader ....OMFG????
Do you still know how your bookmarks work?
RE: Pardon me, but...
360 title max 30 chars
username on each line
make you own crop circles
Working at the ego enlargement
WordPress Development Blog - A Blogging Business Summit
Did you think my entry was strange?
A screenshot of the picture widget set to be 95% transparant and float
Web Browsers
Widgeds are wild
Picture viewing widget
RE: Comment spam and trolls!
Some wiggets I intend to check out
SiteWatcher 2
Popcheck Mail Checker mk2
Desk Calendar
Translate Mini
BZFlag Stats
lightBlog Blogging Tool
Urban Dictionary
Event Countdown
Flickr Upload Widget
Elegant Stickies
BitTorrent Search Widget
Daily Dose
Currency Converter
OANDA, The Currency Site: Foreign Exchange Services and Trading
IdeaSling RSS Reader
ideasling: Alerts Server
definition of tasteless
I hate multinationals
EU banking
RE: Knowing Humans - Euro-Excuserosis
google map based -Guest map
Entry for July 23, 2005
Yahoo! Photos - erock_ferrell's Photos - The 8 basic emotions Slideshow
Blogger Buzz: We are widening the corridors
All your base are belong to us - Official Video Site - Planet Tribes
Blog formula
My new - Ping your blog - blog
Where are the real smiles??
Kinja, the weblog guide
Welcome to Damaris's Page!
About This Site Firefox Extension v. 0.2 by Gina Trapani
Mozilla Update :: Extensions -- More Info:Bandwidth Tester - All Releases
Anonymizer.com - Anonymizer Total Privacy Suite
Y!Q Beta on Firefox
Option 3: Add the Y!Q form
Option 2: Create a Y!Q search plug-in
Option 1: Add Y!Q quick search to the address bar
Sony Ericsson: K700
Classic navigation
Dancing tree
The sea wall
Entry for July 21, 2005
Entry for July 21, 2005
Entry for July 21, 2005
Entry for July 21, 2005
Entry for July 21, 2005
Entry for July 21, 2005
Entry for July 21, 2005
Entry for July 21, 2005
Entry for July 21, 2005
Entry for July 21, 2005
Entry for July 21, 2005
Entry for July 21, 2005
Entry for July 21, 2005
Entry for July 21, 2005
Entry for July 21, 2005
Entry for July 21, 2005
Entry for July 21, 2005
Entry for July 21, 2005
Entry for July 21, 2005
Entry for July 21, 2005
Entry for July 21, 2005
Entry for July 21, 2005
Entry for July 21, 2005
Entry for July 21, 2005
Entry for July 21, 2005
Entry for July 21, 2005
Entry for July 21, 2005
Entry for July 21, 2005
Entry for July 21, 2005
Welcome to Flickr!
the taste of plastic
ohh! Skippy was never broadcasted in the US?
Gaby in Enkhuizen
The bore
Entry for July 20, 2005
Yahoo! Groups : blog360 Links
Canon PowerShot A-Series Users Group - Is there anyway to make the A70 into a webcam?
ZoomBrowser EX Updater
RE: RE: MaxiVista - Multi Monitor Software
Gaby in Enkhuizen
MaxiVista - Multi Monitor Software
Dual Monitors
blo.gs: about
Entry for July 19, 2005
RE: RE: Eggie's Blog - What Time Is It Under Your Patch In The Sun?
About Blogmapper
can browse with 1 window and few tabs now
Time travel
an ape called flipper
End of the 360 beta
the tag thing
a track for life
I'm posting my comment, why not?
http://addons.mozilla.org for July 15, 2005
Show you the internet
about the view all updates page
I made a new blog
latest update on the "ping your blog" review
The services to use
Site meter
test this for me please!
sick joke
About the trash
Bella culpa
Made a blog with the yahoo Korea ^_^
Entry for Jan 03, 2100
What is happening to blogs?
okay the Email project failed
Adding a footer to your email
Using yahoo tools to do it
Even more creative comments
Thunderbird OPML and pop3 gmail setup
left brain wrong brain
Comment rss feeds, atachments, rice text formating, subscription ect
I demand atention again (ill keep it short)
Reply entry
And still nothing new.....
Here have a poster
feedback agent
Please learn English
Chinese cars in Europe
why tele2 sucks
This is a cool method to read 360 blogs
Wobble art 5
Wobble art 4
Wobble art 3
Wobble art 2
wobble art
Lets make fun of Microsoft again
yahoo news useless with tooltips
Yahoo next
Forwarding comment notification email to the google groups
Entry for July 02, 2005
Importing feeds into myweb 2.0
Could be usefull for the blog
Entry for July 01, 2005
Using other people's pictures
Entry for July 01, 2005
Avatar sickness
Why Microsoft left the path and never ever found it again
Blogvertising redefined
Are we missing the point?
Blogger forum
the sky
Ok........the internet tutorial
help, I have a lurk blog
I just go do something and see how it goes.
reviewing y360 help :)
Google maps has England
Enkhuizen Flickr
some free professional content for the blog magazine
Had to fix yahoo photo O_O
My new blog (no no no, I'm not leaving you (again)!!)
Die Micro$oft DIE......
Your hired !
Entry for June 19, 2005
Final magazine posting (haha)
How to turn url's in comments into links
picture of my owner/personal slave driver
egold comments
<form action="https://www.e-gold.com/sci_asp/payments.asp" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="PAYEE_ACCOUNT" value="2928023">
<input type="hidden" name="PAYEE_NAME" value="Gaby de Wilde">
<input type="hidden" name="PAYMENT_AMOUNT" value="0.01">
<input type="hidden" name="PAYMENT_UNITS" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="PAYMENT_METAL_ID" size=1 value=1>
<input type="hidden" name="STATUS_URL" value="mailto:gdewilde@gmail.com">
<input type="hidden" name="NOPAYMENT_URL" value="<$BlogURL$>">
<input type="hidden" name="NOPAYMENT_URL_METHOD" value="LINK">
<input type="hidden" name="PAYMENT_URL" value="http://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=<$BlogID$>&postID=<$BlogItemNumber$>">
<input type="hidden" name="PAYMENT_URL_METHOD" value="LINK">
<input type="hidden" name="BAGGAGE_FIELDS" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="CUSTOMERID" value="0">
<input type="hidden" name="PRODUCTNAME" value="0">
<input type="submit" name="PAYMENT_METHOD" value="Post a comment">
a bit for the comments. It would make a nice addon for some blogs, I've thought about it a bit and swaping comments for a few cents could be much like banners. It makes a good excuse to moderate new comments and allows strange content to live in new places. hehehe
Here, I've made an example blog.
Very nice idea, though I do not think it has a high chance of success, if for the sole reason of needing to register/create account and give away payment details for commenting. Even if you build a central system for all blogs to use, I doubt people will want to do it. Only a very small percentage of ultra-popular blogs will benefit from it.-
murok > Bloggerforum
Yes, I guess this is mainly to get the egold breed into our blogs. The "already user". They may have some interesting things to post in stead of our normal spam diet. After that we will trick them into reading eachothers blog while we run of with the monney. Smart thinking huh?
Cross page data transfer
I figure it's funny that I don't know if this is really, really old "already done" stuff or extraordinarily creative. I do know that I need to play with it a bit, you may earn the millions. :-) I figure the trick is that a referral program running this link will obtain some great pagerank as it has real links pointing at it. The normal way defeats the whole point of doing a referral advertising campaign LOL! ?ref=1 ?ref=2 ?ref=3 all of those separate-pages are all the same while using a target would spawn an equally mad positive result, any search engine optimisation artist could confirm it.
How to set up a google group for your blog
If you don't want all of the spam you can set the group to be announcement only but need to forward the post/comment true gmail. That way it's your message, make up a sensible rule for the filter cuz I don't want to find your passwords forwarded onto your group. ^_^
The point of having it is that it doesn't take any effort and allows your guests to misbehave as if they are at home. :-)
How to add banner code to your post
The other way is by replacing the arrows of the html with some code. Use < for an arrow to the left "<" and > for an arrow to the right ">". The result looks like this »
<a href="http://cashmaking.blogspot.com/#header">
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v338/Enkhuizen/cashmaking-blogspot.jpg" width="468" height="60">
. An example here »
and one here »
<textarea><a href="http://cashmaking.blogspot.com/#header"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v338/Enkhuizen/cashmaking-blogspot.jpg" width="468" height="60"></a></textarea>
You can see that Blogger makes a mess from the textarea by inserting line breaks. You can turn them off (and mess up your old posts) or use the second method. Note that both can do bad things to your site feed. Posting the html in a related forum (and adding a link) is probably better for your site.
New ideas
This is why I think good scripting is important, I'm not a good scripter, I have to little know how. I'm more an interface designer who knows what can be done true javascript, it's not a fancy language but I've always kept an eye on it as it's so wildly supported. It's easier as the 6502 assembly language I was used to.
How can those scripts help sorting or add to our contents structure?
A funny example would be advertising and referral marketing on the page. This could make some blogs better if the blogger needs food to live. Given this food could create the time for him to blog more.
But I was looking for a script that can enhance the content on the spot. Better reading without extra effort. The new ideas will be posted some day I just need to imagine some really cool one's. ^_^
be patent please my dear readers I hope to contine this month.
miss replaced my p4p800 e de luxe with a p4p800x in order to not-fix it
It's even more funny as this as I'm trying some paid to surf programs. And this 98 machine isn't cooperating much to understate it a bit. Still not all is lost, making scripts that work on this ancient box should mean they work perfectly smooth on your kick ass modern computer as well. I'm so jealous now! lol
mouseover banneradvertising
<script style="text/javscript">
function rotate_banner(locator)
var pick=Math.round(1+((Math.random()*7)-0.5));
var banner=new Array(8)
banner[0]="<a href=\"http://cashmaking.blogspot.com/\"><img style=\" width: 468;\" src=\"http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v338/Enkhuizen/cashmaking-blogspot.jpg\" alt=\"Image hosted by Photobucket.com\"></a>";
banner[1]="<a href=\"http://gaby.wordpress.com/2005/10/31/freelance-your-blog-skills/\"><img src=\"http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v338/Enkhuizen/freelance_your_blog_skills.jpg\" title=\"freelance your blog\" alt=\"Image hosted by Photobucket.com\"></a>";
banner[2]="<A HREF=\"http://cooltext.com\" ><IMG SRC=\"http://cooltext.com/images/ctbanner1.gif\" WIDTH=\"468\" HEIGHT=\"60\" ALT=\"Logo and Graphics Generator\" BORDER=\"0\" ></A>";
banner[3]="<A HREF=\"http://cooltext.com\" ><IMG SRC=\"http://cooltext.com/images/ctbanner3.gif\" WIDTH=\"468\" HEIGHT=\"60\" ALT=\"Logo and Graphics Generator\" BORDER=\"0\" ></A>";
banner[4]="<a href=\"http://imageshack.us/\" ><img border=\"0\" src=\"http://imageshack.us/img/imageshackbanner.gif\" width=\"468\" height=\"60\" alt=\"\" /></a>";
banner[5]="<a href=\"http://www.photobucket.com/\" ><img border=\"0\" src=\"http://pic.photobucket.com/banners/banner4_468x60.jpg\" width=\"468\" height=\"60\" alt=\"\" /></a>";
banner[6]="<a href=\"http://www.freeautosurf.com/?ref=1851\" ><img src=\"http://www.freeautosurf.com/banners/ban4.gif\" border=0 width=\"468\" height=\"60\"></a>";
banner[7]="<a href=\"http://www.freeautosurf.com/?ref=1851\"><img src=\"http://www.freeautosurf.com/banners/ban7.gif\" border=0 width=\"468\" height=\"60\"></a>";
document.getElementById(locator).innerHTML = banner[pick];
And this span» where you want the banners to appear.
<span onmouseout="rotate_banner('b1')" id="b1">
<a href="http://gaby.wordpress.com/2005/10/31/freelance-your-blog-skills/"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v338/Enkhuizen/freelance_your_blog_skills.jpg" title="freelance your blog" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com"></a>
Then you replace the images and the links and change the numbers a bit. The array is 8 (0,1,2...t/m 7) so if you add a line you need to change the 8.
var banner=new Array(8)
AND change the random number.
var pick=Math.round(1+((Math.random()*7)-0.5));
Then it should (ofcourse) have a new number.
banner[7]="<a href=\"http://www.freeautosurf.com/?ref=1851\"><img src=\"http://www.freeautosurf.com/banners/ban7.gif\" border=0 width=\"468\" height=\"60\"></a>";
It's 0 commentS 1 comment and 2 commentS
So, I've created a much shorter version, behold! The CSS»»
1comments: {display:none; }
Then we simply change thelink text».
<$BlogItemCommentCount$>commment<span class="<$BlogItemCommentCount$>comments">s</span>
The style "display none" is now applied to the letter "s" if the class is "1comments" obviously class "2comments" or "0comments" won't have any style. The class now depends on the number of comments.
Image preloader
This javascript » goes in the head of the document. (above the </head> tag)
<script type="text/Javascript">
function preimg ()
var rawhtml = document.getElementById('buffer').innerHTML
for (var x = 1; x <= 10; x++)
cutoff = rawhtml.indexOf('<img')
rawhtml = rawhtml.slice(cutoff)
cutoff = rawhtml.indexOf('\"http')
rawhtml = rawhtml.slice(cutoff)
rawhtml = rawhtml.slice(1)
cutout = rawhtml.indexOf('\"')
imgurl = rawhtml.slice(0,cutout)
imageObj = new Image();
imageObj.src = imgurl
And this HTML » goes all the way at the end of the template, just above the </body> tag.
<div id="buffer">
<!-- <$BlogItemBody$> -->
<script type="text/javascript"> preimg('buffer')</script>
It should work, if you have any problems let me know! Here is a demo.
Good luck, please link to yourself in the comment if you are using this script. You deserve some traffic for your hard work. ^_^
Spam blogs don't work?
I intend to create a nice set of scripts for you but it makes me sad how fast unsubscriptions go. Maybe there is a lesion in this. Maybe a blog should stay with it's subject. LOL
Thanks for your time,
- Gaby de Wilde
Images in blogspot comments
<script type="text/Javascript">
function commenthtml(string)
normaltitle = document.getElementById(string).innerHTML;
fattitle = "";
yy = normaltitle.length;
yy = yy+5
for( var xx = 0; xx < yy; xx++ )
nextone = normaltitle.slice(0,1)
normaltitle = normaltitle.slice(1)
if ( nextone=="[") {
if (normaltitle.indexOf("img]")=="0") {
if (normaltitle.indexOf("[/img]")!="-1") {
doinsert = normaltitle.slice(0,find);
normaltitle = normaltitle.slice(find);
normaltitle = normaltitle.slice(6);
if (doinsert.indexOf("\"")=="-1") {
nextone="image";doinsert = doinsert.slice(4); doinsert = "<img src=\""+doinsert+"\">";
if (nextone=="image"){nextone=doinsert}
fattitle = fattitle.concat(nextone);
document.getElementById(string).innerHTML = fattitle;
And this goes in the post (where you want the link to appear). »»
<a href="#" onclick="commenthtml('topc<$BlogItemNumber$>');return false;">display images</a><br>
Now put a div with id around the comments »»
<div id="topc<$BlogItemNumber$>">
Thats all! [img] Tags found in the div will be replaced with real images and your friends can add images to their comments. Use this post to "test comment" if you want.